Instructions to authors

Each work must contain a heading (a title, the first and last name of all authors, the full address of all authors and e-mail). Key words describing the subject of the work (a maximum of ten words) and an Abstract must be included.

AMM is published in English. Articles may include a short Summary in the native language. Authors are obliged to conform with the current editions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. For the description of new taxa, the differential diagnosis or a key must be provided. We recommend that faunistic and floristic works be provided with geographical co-ordinates of the cited locality and in the national (e.g. Central European) scale with the co-ordinates of the squares (e.g. Klapalekiana 32, Suppl., 1996; Fytokartografické syntézy ČSR, I, BÚ ČSAV, Průhonice 1986). All measurement must be in SI units.

Transliterations of Cyrillic should follow the British standard. An example of references:
Jacobson G. G. 1905: Zhuki Rossii i zapadnoi Evropy. Rukovodstvo k’ opredeleniyu zhukov. Izdanie A. F. Devriena, S.-Peterburg’, 656 pp (in Russian).
Majer K. 1993: Dasytidae, Melyridae. Pp. 91-–92. In: Jelínek J. (ed.): Check-list of Czechoslovak Insects IV. (Coleoptera). Seznam československých brouků. Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 1, –172 pp (in English and Czech).
Rendahl H. & Vestergren G. 1941: Notes on Colombian snakes. Arkiv för Zoologi 33A(1): 1–16.

Texts must be in the proper form of the language. The AMM editorial board organises only minor linguistic correction. Only generic and species names of taxa should be written in italics. The names of cited authors can be written in small capitals. Authors can indicate the general location of the individual graphics.

Publication in AMM and 25 reprints are free. Additional reprints are available by arrangement.

 Instructions to Authors / Complete version